Couch-to-5k Progress – 2.26.14

Week 2 Day 2 – Complete


This was by far the coldest and hardest day yet.  I doubled up on all of my clothing.  Double socks, tight capris under my running tights, hooded long sleeve over my running top, and there were still stretches when I wanted to stop and just go back inside.  Then I’d get around the bend into the sun and be okay.  One of the hardest parts was that my fingers froze almost immediately; before I was even done with my warm up walk.  I had a hard time keeping them warm.  Another was that I decided to wear my neck gaiter.  It’s hard to say if that was a good idea or bad idea.  Although it did block the wind at some points, it also kept in a bunch of moisture around my face which made it even more cold when the cold air hit me.  It fogged up my sunglasses with my hot breath so that I couldn’t see.  Since the gaiter was moist and it was so dang cold out, the it turned into a gaiter-cicle.  Now that I think about it… probably just a bad idea.

So far I really like my Garmin.  There are discrepancies between the Garmin and my C25k app because I couldn’t set my 5 minute warm-up and 5 minute cool-down walks on the Garmin.  So the Garmin only tracked the 21 minutes of 1:30 run / 2:00 walk intervals.  I can’t wait until I get to the point where there no more walk intervals!

Oh and you might notice that I switched out my neon yellow laces for neon green laces.  More on that in a future post…

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